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Writer's pictureToys

5-year-old Michael's hand got caught in a door. He was rushed to Beth Israel Medical Center. We were in the Pediatric ER to greet him with a Playmobil and a smile. 

His hand was deeply cut, and needed internal and external stitching. Our guitarist MOISH stood near his bed during the 45 minute procedure, playing music, singing and interacting with Michael. (picture below)

Instead of Michael crying, he was smiling and laughing!!! It was heartwarming to witness.

Happy Kids Truly Heal Faster!

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Writer's pictureToys

The teenage demographic in hospitals is sadly overlooked. To fill in this void we began 'Tablets for Teens', a program targeted to bring happiness and healing to teens suffering from long term illness such as cancer, trauma, or chronic illness. We launched this program in 2019 with wonderful success. 

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Mrs. Goldstein, a volunteer from Ann Arbor Michigan, visited the Motts Children's Hospital and told us the following:


"…a nurse from another floor asked me for a Hello Kitty activity book for one of her patients. Towards the end of our stay, the nurse called our floor and said "the little girl was so happy with her gift that she immediately grabbed the marker and started coloring. Everyone was floored! This girl had injured her right arm and, until then, had not been responding to physical therapy!"

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